UGH! Commodities. Oil. The boring stuff.
Can we at least talk about Snowflake and its massive run? Or RDDT and its pump?
Nope. Not this time. This is good ol' boring oil companies. It's like having homework during recess but don't worry this will be worth our time.
So why Shell?
In the last 2 days, they made some notable moves. First they sold off their stake in the Ukraine and they removed themselves from the carbon offset market as well. These moves will make them more profitable and will in turn move their stock in their favor. This is already on top of global tensions that are in play.
So let's look at this a bit closer.

What do we see here? Well if we look at the last 6 weeks it has bounced off the green resistance line 7 tiiiimmmmes (in the tone of Edward Rooney). Yep 7 times it respected it and cut thru it with an immediate bounce back that same day. This alone tells us from a TA perspective that it is getting ready to take off.
Additionally, we have this beautiful occurrence that happened back in February. You can see that blue arrow and that green line matches where we are today. We haven't been in this position in months. If this line continues to be respected I see this as a consolidation and I expect a solid run. Now it may be a slow run but it will be a long run up.
DYOR but this is a fun shell that you find on the beach and keep.
Also we got our first caller.
Keep 'em coming.
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